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Corklands Experiências e Eventos

Payment of registrations

The prices presented by Corklands include VAT at the current legal rate. ​


Registration or reservations must be made up to 10 days in advance, by filling out specific forms or by email to ​


Registration or reservations are valid upon payment of the entire registration or reservation amount.

Payment details: 


Bank Transfer:

Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos

Account n.º: 0264027387230

IBAN: PT50 0035 0264 00027387230 72

MBWay (portuguese payment system):

919 817 480

Corklands Experiências e Eventos

Copyright © 2022-2025 Lat & Long / Corklands ®

Corklands, eventos e experiências nos territórios de montado do Ribatejo e Alentejo, Portugal: Natureza, cultura, aventura, gastronomia e património

Corklands, a Lat & Long Lda. brand

VAT PT516798359

RNAAT 153-2022


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